Oğuzlar, Çorum

Oğuzlar is a district of Çorum Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey. It is located at 68 km from the city of Çorum. The population is 11,724, half of which live in the town of Oğuzlar, and the other half in the villages of the district. The mayor is Orhan Ateş.
Formerly known as Karabörk Divanı, Karaviran and Karaören, the village was founded in the 13th century by Karadonlu Can Baba, a follower of Sufi mystic Haji Bektash Veli. The name Oğuzlar, after the Oghuz Turks who conquered much of Anatolia, was given in 1990.
Oğuzlar is an agricultural district growing walnuts, hazelnuts and various grains. In recent decades the younger generations have migrated to larger cities in search of jobs and careers.
The town's water supply was put in place in 1973.