Nuno Brás

Dom Nuno Brás da Silva Martins, most often referred to simply as Dom Nuno Brás, is a Portuguese Catholic bishop and current Bishop of Funchal, Madeira.

Academic career

Nuno Brás da Silva Martins graduated in Theology from the Faculty of Theology of the Portuguese Catholic University in 1985. Five years later he earned his master's degree in Systematic Theology under the guidance of José IV, GCC and with the thesis The Christian life as an extension of the incarnation. Theology of Christian existence in the pastoral works of Cardinal Cerejeira.
He later received his doctorate in Fundamental Theology in 1999, by the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, with the thesis: Christ perfect communicator. Theological reading for an interdisciplinary investigation on the communicative phenomenon, guided by Archbishop Rino Fisichella.
Apart from this Portuguese teaching positions, Bishop Martins has also taught at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in 1996, and at the Pontifical Gregorian University, between 1999 and 2005.
Since 2009 he became member of the Scientific Society of the Portuguese Catholic University.

Ecclesiastic career

Martins, first big role within the Catholic Church start in 1993 when he was appointed member of the educational team of the Olivais Major Seminary of Christ the King. Between 2005 and 2011 he would become Rector of the same clergy educational institution.
In Rome, Bishop Martins, was appointed Rector of the Pontifical Portuguese College between 2002 and 2005. One year afterwards, in 2006 he would be back in Portugal working closely in the Patriarchate administration as member of the Pastoral Council of the archdiocese of Lisbon and Canon of the Metropolitan Chapter of the Patriarchal See.
In 2011 he his elected, by Pope Benedict XVI, as Titular Bishop of Elvas and Auxiliary Bishop of the Patriarchate of Lisbon. He also served in the Portuguese Conference of Bishops as member of the sectorial commissions for Culture, Cultural Assets and Social Communications of the Catholic Church in Portugal and for Christian Education and the Doctrine of Faith.
Bishop Martins is then appointed, in 2016, by Pope Francis has member of the Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See, a position that would then lead him to become coordinator of the Social Communications of the Commission for Evangelization and Culture, body of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe in 2018.

Bishop of Funchal

On January 12, 2019, Bishop Martins is elected by Pope Francis as Bishop of Funchal, succeeding António III. Upon knowing of his appointment Bishop Martins told the press that he felt "a mixture of fear and confidence. Fear because I am aware of my limitations; confidence because I know that Jesus will always be with me and not abandon me." A feeling he would later reiterate his mixed feeling in an interview given to RTP Madeira on February 14.
Two days after his appointment was made public by the Holy See, the President of the Republic congratulated Bishop Martins. In his official statement the Portuguese president said that the appointment "fills all Portuguese, believers and non-believers with joy".
He arrived at Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport on February 15, 2019 where he was greeted by his predecessor before kissing the ground following the custom set by Pope John Paul II.
Shortly after his arrival, Bishop Martins gave an interview to the Madeiran media surrounded by António III and Teodoro I. On this interview Bishop Martins highlighted that his mission, as Bishop of Funchal, given by Pope Francis was " to build a Christian community and evangelize". When asked about Madeira's economy and how the Diocese could help, he highlighted the cultural contribution of the Catholic Church to the Autonomous Region and how the religious cultural patrimony could be used in the region's favour to promote Christian religious tourism.
As for the sex abuse scandal surrounding Father Anastácio Alves, Bishop Martins told the press, on his arrival to the island, that he will adopt the own way of , in force since 2012.

Taking Office

On Sunday, February 17, Bishop Martins officially took office as Bishop of Funchal in a ceremony held in the Cathedral of Funchal. In his first homily he appealed to the "holiness" of the priests, called for a Church that "dares to be" and does not just "appears to be", asked his Diocesan Curia to give testimonial of the Risen Christ and ensured "a sincere collaboration with all entities of the Madeiran society, with respect for each one of them".
To his taking of office mass attended the following Catholic clergy:
Manuel IIICardinal-Patriarch of Lisbon
Teodoro FariaBishop Emeritus of Funchal
António IIIBishop Emeritus of Funchal
Francisco Senra de Faria CoelhoArchbishop of Évora
António MontesBishop Emeritus of Bragança-Miranda
José OrnelasBishop of Setúbal
José TraquinaBishop of Santarém
Manuel QuintasBishop of Faro
António BragaBishop Emeritus of the Angra
António LucianoBishop of Viseu
Manuel FelícioBishop of Guarda
António MoiteiroBishop of Aveiro
José CordeiroBishop of Bragança-Miranda
Daniel BatalhaAuxiliary Bishop of Lisbon
Joaquim MendesAuxiliary Bishop of Lisbon
Rui ValérioBishop of the Portuguese Military Ordinariate of Portugal
Ildo FortesBishop of Mindelo-Cabo-Verde
Rino PassigatoTitular Archbishop of Nova Caesaris and Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal;
Alfredo CairesBishop of Mananjary
Meetings with Regional and Local authorities
On the first months, shortly after taking office, Bishop Nuno, started a series of semi-formal visits around the Autonomous Regions of Madeira to better know the pastoral needs of the diocese. Such visits included:
Following the Priest Giselo Andrade's case and his assignment to the Communications and Media Office of the Diocese by his predecessor Bishop Carrilho, Bishop Martins opted to remove Father Giselo from the Permanent Secretariat of the Diocese following his cabinet reshuffle.

Diocese's Coat of Arms

On March 23, 2019, the Bishop Nuno announced through the diocese's Facebook page and on a historical note on the diocese's website the adoption of the diocese's coat of arms. The coat of arms was designed by Miguel Pinto-Correia following the economist's open letter to the Bishop, published in the regional newspaper, suggesting that the Diocese should adopt a coat of arms on 600th anniversary of the discovery of Madeira.

600th Anniversary of the Discovery of Madeira

On Madeira Day 2019, the year that Madeira celebrated its 600th anniversary of discovery and settlement, Bishop Martins addressed in the Te Deum Mass stressed that such a historical feat was, overall, also a beneficial Christian feat of the Church that became a blessing for the entire population that later settled on the island.
In his sermon Bishop Martins publicly acknowledged that despite 600 years of Catholicism on the island, the Diocese could "not fail to acknowledge the many sins, the many failings and failures that have marked these 600 years, whether by individual Christians or by the Christian community as a whole". Implying acknowledgement of the Diocese's persecution and pressure against the Anglican and Evangelical Churches on the island.

Episcopal Conference of Portugal

As a diocesan member of the Episcopal Conference of Portugal, Bishop Martins participates in the following bodies within the Conference:
Shortly after taking up office as Bishop of Funchal, Nuno Brás decided that, in partnership with the Theological School of Funchal, he would teach "Introduction to Christianity" and "Revelation, Faith's Foundation" as after-work courses open to anyone interested.



In one of his masses as Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Bishop Martins, invited catholic religious teachers to be "pilgrims of God". According to his homily teachers should show students that there is more to life than the things that "one can measure, weight or touch".
Bishop Martins, has ascertained that the role of teachers in society needs to be bigger than "raising rich people, closed to themselves in this small horizon". According to him catholic religious teachers need to teach their students to search for God and to point out the answers that God gives.

Church child abuse scandal

As Auxiliary Bishop of the Patriarchate of Lisbon and following the McCarrick case and Viganò allegations, happening at about the same time as the conclusion of the Grand jury investigation of Catholic Church sexual abuse in Pennsylvania, Bishop Martins, together with his peers of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference was co-signer of a public support letter addressed to Pope Francis. The letter was published on September 3, 2018, and followed the Portuguese National Symposium of the Clergy, held in Fátima.
The Portuguese bishops criticized all "attempts to call into question the credibility" and expressed "fraternal support" to the leader of the Catholic Church, stressing that they are in "full communion" with the Pope.
In the same letter, Bishop Martins and his peers also took the opportunity to support and condemn the "drama of child abuse by responsible members of the Church," under a commitment to "root out the causes."
He would later reiterate his public support for Pope Francis pontificate by declaring to Vatican News that " is the pontificate that God wants for today's time," and concluded that "we should always thank the Popes that God gives us".
Nevertheless, as Bishop of Funchal, Nuno Martins refused to create, in 2019, a special commission to investigate cases of child abuse in the diocese, contrary to the example set by the Patriarchate of Lisbon, under the argument that "there are no cases that justify such". In this regard, Bishop Martins did not considered the case of Father Anastácio, who is missing, and who is being investigated by the Judiciary Police due to child abuse crimes. Instead he preferred to maintain an internal diocesan investigation on that specific case while stating that he does not want to "substitute the police" in this matter.

Virgin Mary

On the diocese's online newspaper Bishop Martins wrote that the Virgin Mary was the woman in the likeness of Christ. In his theological article he stated that the Virgin Mary was physically and spiritually similar to Christ:
"That, physically, she was similar to her Son, it is not surprising. And no, I am not mistaken: even physically, it is the Virgin who is similar to her Son, because it was in his image that everything was created!
But it is much more than that: everything about the Virgin Mary is like Jesus. Because she is his perfect, finished disciple: the disciple who follows the Lord through the dusty paths of Galilee and Judea; the disciple standing at the cross; the disciple who was given the mission to care for other disciples forever, throughout history.
The Virgin Mary has the form of Jesus Christ."

Venezuela crisis

Bishop Martins set as one of his main priorities upon taking office the care and looking after of those Madeirans and second-generation Madeirans that are fleeing from Venezuela as consequence of Maduro's regime. On this issue he has stated that "it is necessary to welcome those who need help. Then it will also be important to develop cooperation with the Caritas of Venezuela, as an institution that is necessarily credible to support the people of Madeira and beyond, who are experiencing very difficult times."


When interviewed on March 2, 2019, Bishop Martins admitted that homosexuals can be "good Christians". Further to this he stated that "God loves you in this situation of yours. And because he loves you, he invites you to convert. He invites you to change". He clarified that he views homosexuality as a condition and as such Jesus Christ invites all Christians to internally convert.


Bishop Martins is a critic of the abortion laws in Portugal and the possibility of the legalization of euthanasia, having used the diocese's online newspaper to criticize further liberalization of said laws. He has stated that a "society that allows someone to decide on the life of another is not a society we want to live in... All Human life is sacred and untouchable.


In February 2020, following the debate in the Assembly of the Republic to approve the euthanasia in Portugal, Bishop Nuno Brás ordered all priest to give sermons against euthanasia and all parishes to distribute leaflets explaining the concepts of assisted death and of the right to life. The leaflets ordered to be distributed, and published by the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, contained only questions with answers defended by the Catholic Church that reinforce the conviction that “one must defend human life to the end. Never cause death".
Another action carried out by Bishop Nuno Brás, on Fevreuary 2020, in an attempt to raise the issue among the catholic people in Madeira, was to hold an ecumenical vigil in the Church of the College with leaders of other main Christian faiths on the island, among them Ilse Berardo. The vigil was attended by the President of the Legislative Assembly of Madeira and member of CDS-PP Madeira, José Manuel Rodrigues.
As a member of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, Bishop Nuno Brás advocates the referendum against the decriminalization of euthanasia in Portugal and proposes to deputies in the Assembly of the Republic a stronger investment on “palliative care”. He has also accused the Portuguese deputies proponents of euthanasia of choosing the "cheapest way out" for the Portuguese Healthcare System instead of focusing taxpayers money in palliative care.
Also the issue of euthanasia, Bishop Martins stated that:
“Whether it is a passing disease, a chronic illness, or a very serious illness, in which it seems that the whole world is fleeing from us, we Christians want to become aware, we want to say that we are not alone, we want to realize that God is with us, that He never leaves us ”

Political views


In 2019, Bishop Martins expressed his concern for the lack of a young population in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and a "frightening" low number of births. He also pointed out that young people who exist at any given moment, go to the mainland to attend university and lose their roots acquired in Madeira, implying lack of economic opportunities.


Bishop Martins was against the regionalisation of mainland Portugal at the time of the 1998 Portuguese regionalisation referendum. Faced with his assignment to the Diocese of Funchal and on his first anniversary as bishop of the diocese he publicly acknowledge his misconceptions on the issue:
“I was decidedly opposed to regionalization, when it was the referendum. At this moment, I am wondering if regionalization is not the opportunity that regions in the interior of the continent could seize for development and for the resolution of problems that they objectively have... was the way that the Madeirans found to claim before the national government an increase in their standard of living, a set of improvements that would otherwise always be difficult... Regionalization, in the specific case of Madeira, meant that there was development, improvement of living standards, with the Madeirans becoming aware of their own identity - with some pride, I must say - of their specificity and of what they can give to the whole of Portugal."

2019 Regional Elections

During the 2019 Madeiran regional election Bishop Martins appealed to candidates to use the electoral campaign as a "time of civilization" and criticized "personal attacks" and "slander" among politicians. He further requested that all candidates should have dignified debates and should "respect for the dignity of other participants”, the electoral campaign should be "a time and a space for civilization".
Contrary to his predecessors, Bishop Martins requested the parties and their candidates to not use catholic churchyards as places for political campaign rallies with the use of megaphones.

Coat of Arms

Published Books