Number 55

Number 55 is a 2014 Croatian war film directed by Kristijan Milić. It is presented as first action movie about Croatian Homeland War.
Film won 8 golden arenas, including the Big golden arena for the best movie. The cast also includes Luka Peroš best known for his role of Marseille in Money Heist.


Movie takes place during the Homeland War in Croatia. The film is based on a true story that happened on the eve in autumn of 1991 in the small Croatian village of Kusonje, near Pakrac. A small group of Croatian soldiers went on a patrol in an improvised armored car that they had made. In Kusonje they get ambushed by Serbs and are forced to hide in a nearby abandoned house that bears the house number 55. Their resistance to the forces of the rebel Serbs, the JNA and Serbian special forces takes almost 24 hours. In parallel the film follows the efforts of their fellow soldiers to pull them out of the encirclement.