
Notulu is a name shared by several noble ladies of Barotseland in Africa.

Queen Notulu

Notulu I was queen consort as a wife of King Ngombala of the Lozi people. She was starved to death by one of his successors, King Mwananyanda Liwale. Her father was named Mwiyawamatende.

Chieftess Notulu

Notulu II of Libumbwandinde was a chieftess. She was the daughter of King Ngombala and the queen mentioned above, her namesake. She was also a sister of the Prince Mbanga, mother of the Chief Mukwangwa and aunt of the king Mwanawina I.

Princess Notulu

Notulu III was a princess consort as a wife of Mbanga. Thus both the sister and the wife of Prince Mbanga had the same name and they were sisters-in-law.
Her children were: