Nos, Book of the Resurrection

Nos: Book of the Resurrection is a book by Miguel Serrano. The author states in the introduction: "it is neither a poem, nor a novel, nor a philosophical essay, although it contains a little of each of these."
In it Lucifer is defined as he "whom others have called" Apollo, Abraxas, Siva, and Quetzalcoatl, also Odin-Wotan. "He came down from the Morning Star, Venus." As leader of the losing side of a stellar battle, he descended to the North Pole where he founded Ultima Thule, the capital of Hyperborea. The Grail is identified as having been a jewel which fell from his crown. "He is the God of the Defeated Ones in the Kaliyuga" and "the supreme Guide of the Pilgrims of the Dawn" who will be the victor "when the Golden Age returns."
The book was published in English by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1984. It contains illustrations drawn by Wolfgang vom Schemm. In it are reproduced lines and poems by Irene Klatt, Omar Cáceres, William Blake, Hölderlin, Rilke, Shelley, D. H. Lawrence, Rabindranath Tagore, Leopardi, Virgil, and Ezra Pound's translation of poems of the troubadour Bertran de Born.
