North Valmy Generating Station

North Valmy Generating Station is a coal-fired power station located near Valmy, Nevada. The plant is jointly owned by NV Energy and Idaho Power.
Coal is delivered to the location by the Union Pacific Railroad and originates in Utah and Wyoming.


The North Valmy Generating Station is a coal-fueled, steam-electric generating plant with two operating units.


Construction was begun in 1979 by Sierra Pacific Resources on the plant.
The first unit went on line in 1981 and is rated at with a Babcock & Wilcox Boiler and Westinghouse turbine/generator. The second unit followed in 1985 and is rated at with a Foster Wheeler Boiler and General Electric turbine/generator.
By 2012, it was anticipated that unit 1 will be taken out of service in 2022 and unit 2 by 2025. By 2019, theses dates were changed to 2021 and 2023.