North Jakarta Intercultural School

North Jakarta Intercultural School, formerly North Jakarta International School, is a private international school in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, Indonesia. The school has an international school curriculum with an American orientation.


NJIS was established in January 1990 and licensed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education to provide schooling for the children of expatriates and local residents residing in Jakarta. It is established as a Yayasan and operates as an independent, not-for-profit, co-educational day school for students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. NJIS is a member of the East Asia Regional Council of Schools. The school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Students have an option to earn AP College credit. The student body is made up of 164 students from 16 nationalities from Pre-k to Grade 12.


NJIS offers an international curriculum with a U.S. orientation. It offers a College Placement program based on American Common Core Curriculum leading to Advanced Placement courses and diploma.
The language of instruction is English, and Mandarin and Indonesian are offered as additional languages. NJIS faculty members are a combination of overseas hired and locally hired, with the majority being U.S. citizens. All teachers who have at least a bachelor's degree and have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience. All teachers are certified by recognized and accredited universities. Most faculty members have a master's degree.

Tests administered at NJIS

Students are offered extra-curricular activities such as sports, swim club, dance, Taekwondo, guitar, yoga, student government, community service, math club and drama club


In 2012 the school relocated to a 20.000 m2 new building on Jl.Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya, Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara, Indonesia. Toll roads from west and south Jakarta are close to NJIS.
