Nomos Center

Nomos Center ' or fully the Center for assistance to the geopolitical problems and euroatlantic cooperation of the Black sea region studies Nomos ' was a Ukrainian non-governmental public policy think tank.


Nomos Center was established in November, 2003 as independent NGO, the goal of which is taking part and support programs and projects of political analysis and strategic researches in the field of general security, information spreading about the European and euroatlantic integration processes.
The project was planned as instrument of intellectual integration of Ukrainian and foreign elites, the field for the dialogue and discussion between the experts circles and politicians on the state and perspectives of the Black Sea, Caspian and Baltic regions.
It was closed in April 2014 after the occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation.

Statutory mission

The main aim of Nomos was the assistance to the geopolitical problems in the Black Sea region, analysis, recommendations and prognoses preparation in the sphere of home and foreign policy of Ukraine and international relations as a whole, information spreading about the European and euroatlantic integration processes.


The Nomos Center worked on:
Nomos Center published all-Ukrainian quarterly journal The Black Sea Security '' in which informational and analytical articles, dedicated to various aspects of regional and international security were published.