Nobunaga Concerto

Nobunaga Concerto is a Japanese manga series by Ayumi Ishii. It began serialization in Shogakukan's Monthly Shōnen Sunday from 2009. It was announced on June 2014 issue of Monthly Shonen Sunday magazine that the historical manga is inspiring an anime television, a live-action television series, and a live-action film. The anime television series adaptation aired from July 12, 2014 to September 20, 2014 on Fuji TV. The television drama aired in October 2014 starring Shun Oguri as Saburo and Nobunaga and the live-action film was released on January 23, 2016.


The story centers around Saburō, a high school boy who time-travels to Japan's Sengoku Era. He must become Oda Nobunaga, the famed warlord who helps unite Japan.


Main characters

;Oda Nobunaga
;Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Other characters

;Ikeda Tsuneoki
;Shibata Katsuie
;Maeda Toshiie
;Sassa Narimasa
;Niwa Nagahide
;Tokugawa Ieyasu
;Takenaka Shigeharu
;Azai Nagamasa
;Azai Hisamasa
;Endo Naotsune
;Isono Kazumasa
;Mori Yoshinari
;Mori Nagayoshi
;Mori Ranmaru
;Mori Bōmaru
;Mori Rikimaru
;Ashikaga Yoshiaki
;Matsunaga Hisahide
;Oda Nobuyuki
;Hirate Masahide
;Saitō Dōsan
;Hori Hidemasa
;Hachisuka Masakatsu
;Saitō Yoshitatsu
;Asakura Kagetake

Anime adaptation

The manga received an anime adaptation that started airing during summer 2014. Narrated by Shun Oguri.

Episode list

No.TitleOriginal airdate


It won the 57th Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga in 2012. It was nominated for the 5th Manga Taisho. As of February 19, 2012, the 6th volume has sold 73,877 copies. As of August 19, 2012, the 7th volume has sold 92,838 copies.