No Pants Subway Ride

The No Pants Subway Ride is an annual event where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. Beginning in New York in 2002, the event spread to as many as sixty cities as of 2013.


The annual No Pants Subway Ride event is a day where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. The event is organized by Improv Everywhere, and has coordinators in cities around the world. This event takes place each year in early January; the date is announced in early December on Improv Everywhere's site.
The first No Pants Subway Ride began with seven riders in 2002 in New York City. In 2006, 150 people participated in New York City. During that event, eight were handcuffed for disorderly conduct, but the charges were later dismissed. For 2013, sixty cities had coordinators.
In January 2016, the event happened for the first time in Moscow, Russia. The participants were investigated by the police under the offense of the "instigating of mass public disorder", however there are opinions the accusations would not stand ground, since the organizers' goal was to make people laugh.


People are to meet at a point of their choice at 3 PM. Then, they go into the subway, and enter the train, and sit in the car normally, until the doors close at the stop before people are supposed to get off. After the doors close, people who are leaving at the next station remove their pants with a straight face.
If anyone asks why they've removed their pants, they must say that "they were getting uncomfortable", and remain to have a straight face. Afterwards, there is an after-party, which requires people to continue to be pants-less.