Ninja Academy

Ninja Academy is a 1988 Nico Mastorakis' comedy film starring Will Egan, Gerald Okamura, Kelly Randall, Michael David, Robert Factor, and Jeff Robinson. It is a low-budget B-movie similar to the Police Academy series of movies.

Plot synopsis

Ninja Academy is the tale of the struggle between two ninja dojos for adults, Chiba's located out in the woods in Topanga Canyon and Chiba's former classmate Addleman's Beverly Hills Ninja Academy in Beverly Hills, California.
Attending this session at Chiba's dojo are stereotypical characterizations of a mime, a James Bond-like secret agent, a Gung-ho military enthusiast, a klutz, an immature rich college student named Josh, and two bimbos who had selected the school because it had been rated number one by a martial arts magazine. Addleman and his students seek revenge on Chiba for stealing their number one ranking and the new students must defend the school while Josh romantically pursues his teacher, Chiba's daughter Gail.
As with many Mastorakis films, there is one scene that includes brief full frontal nudity.