Nina de Callias

Anne-Marie Gaillard, known as Nina de Villard de Callias, Nina de Callias or Nina de Villard, was a French writer and poet.
The daughter of a rich Lyon lawyer, after her marriage to Hector de Callias hosted one of the most prominent literary and artistic Salons of Paris. She was a lover of Charles Cros and the inspiration for his Coffret de santal. She is also the Dame aux éventails by Édouard Manet.
She contributed two poems to Le Parnasse contemporain : La Jalousie du jeune Dieu and Tristan & Iseult. The Franco-Prussian War forced her to flee with her mother to Geneva, where she stayed three years before returning to re-assume the dissolved artistic circles there.
Although she never recovered her former prominence, she did join various movements and attract new members to her salon, before her early death.
