
Nimmada is a village and panchayat in Kotabommali Mandal, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
It is located approximately 30 kilometers north of Srikakulam town near the sea. It comes under Tekkali assembly constituency.


Nimmada is located at latitude of 18° 27′ 9.72″ N, longitude of 84° 7′ 28.92″ E and at an altitude of 29.26 meters.

Nimmada on Wikimapia


According to Indian census, 2001, the demographic details of Nimmada village is as follows:
It is one of the prominent villages in Kotabommali Mandal as it is the hometown of three important political leaders.

1. Krishna Murthy Kinjarapu - He became the MLA for Harishchandrapuram assembly constituency in 1964.

2. Yerrannaidu Kinjarapu - He was the MLA for Harishchandrapuram assembly constituency from 1982–1996, then he went on to become the Member of Parliament, Srikakulam District.

3. Atchanna Naidu Kinjarapu - Elected MLA for Harishchandrapuram assembly constituency since 1996 to 2009.And MLA for Tekkali Assembly constituency. He is the younger brother of Yerrannaidu Kinjarapu


There are three Mandal Parishad Primary Schools and one Zilla Parishad High School. M.P.Primary School, Z.P.High School.