Nicole Starosielski

Nicole Starosielski is an American author, researcher, and professor. Her research is centered around media infrastructure, particularly underwater infrastructure. Her first book The Undersea Network and online project Surfacing both describe the evolution of underwater cable networks. She also wrote the book Signal Traffic: Critical Studies of Media Infrastructures.

Academic career

In 2005, Starosielski graduated from the University of Southern California with Bachelor's degrees in Cinema Television and English. She continued her education at University of California, Santa Barbara, earning both a Master's degree and PhD in Film and Media Studies. After completing her degrees, Starosielski became an Assistant Professor of Communication at Miami University for one year. Following this, she began a career as an Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University Steinhardt where she has taught since 2012.

''The Undersea Network'' and ''Surfacing''

In her book The Undersea Network Starosielski examines the underwater telecommunications cable infrastructure that allows the internet to operate. The book covers the history of the cables, as well as the geography of the underwater network. In addition, the book discusses the cultural, political, and environmental implications of underwater cable infrastructure. The Undersea Network includes an analysis of the contingencies of the internet as well as information network myths and challenges.
Surfacing is a website designed as a companion to Starosielski's book. The project was developed by Nicole Starosielski, Erik Loyer, and Shane Brennan, with additional writing from Jessica Feldman and Anne Pasek. The website shows non-lineal archival photographs along with text and information about various areas and countries that are connected through the Pacific's underwater cable network. Surfacing also discusses the history of the underwater cable network and some of the modern day challenges of the system.

Other works