Nicolas de Barry

Nicolas de Barry is a French perfumer.
Born in 1948, Nicolas de Barry studied both sociology and politics. Before devoting himself to perfumery, he has published books in French under the name Nicolas Martin : La Prusse rouge, La Méditerranée , Senghor et le monde, La forteresse albanaise, ainsi que "La France fortifiée" et "L'armée parle". The first time he signed with the name De Barry, is when he has created a choreography for a play of the French artist Dominique Tron : D'épuisement en épuisement jusqu'à l'aurore, Elisabeth. Nicolas Martin de Barry has been awarded a "Prix d'Histoire de l'Académie Française" before starting the perfumery in 1992.
His encounters with Edmond Roudnitska, Françoise Marin, the director of Givaudan-Roure Perfumery School in Grasse, and Rodrique Romani, gave birth to his commitment to perfumery.
In Brazil, he became the perfumer of the "high society" for whom he made exclusive fragrances.
In France he bought the Château de Frileuse near Blois in the Loire Valley where he has set up a perfume Atelier and a garden of scents. de Barry also organizes workshops and Master Classes worldwide.
He is the author of several books on perfumery and cosmetics:
« L' ABCdaire du parfum », Flammarion, with G. Vindry and M. Turonnet ;
« Des parfums à faire soi-même », Minerva ;
« L' Inde des parfums », Garde-Temps.
« L’ ABCdaire de l’huile d’olive », Flammarion

He is visiting professor at Montpellier University and also general secretary of the 'Prix International du ParfumFFsince 2000. He has been awarded a "Chevalier des Arts et Lettres" by the French Minister of Culture, Frédéric Mitterrand.


For several years Nicolas de Barry has devoted himself entirely to the research and creation of natural perfumes. For example, Aloes is found in South Thailand, the blue Lotus comes from Thailand too, the Rose from Grasse has a limited production since it is grown on less than 7 acres, the Osmanthus, Jasmin Sambac and Chinese rose from Guilin…
For each of his specialties de Barry did extensive historical research including archival correspondence which allowed him to recreate these authentic fragrances.
Georges Sand used Patchouli and Bergamot, Queen Margot used Jasmine-Ambre gris –Musk, King Louis XV and Marquise de Pompadour a “bouquet”, Empress Sissi from Austria used Violet...
Barry conducts Master Classes in his Val de Loire château and abroad.