Nicholas Shaxson
Nicholas Shaxson is a British author, journalist and investigator. He is best known for his investigative books Poisoned Wells and . He has worked as a part-time writer and researcher for the Tax Justice Network, an expert-led lobbying group focused on the harmful impacts of tax avoidance, tax competition and tax havens.Biography
Shaxson was born in Malawi and educated in Britain. He has lived at various times in India, Brazil, England, Lesotho, Spain, Angola, South Africa, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Since 1993 he has written on global business and politics for Vanity Fair, the Financial Times, Reuters, The Economist and its sister publication the Economist Intelligence Unit, International Affairs, Foreign Affairs, American Interest, the BBC, Africa Confidential, African Energy and others.
Shaxson currently lives with his partner and their two children in Berlin.