
The Ngurrara are a grouping of Indigenous Australian peoples of the Great Sandy Desert, in the central Pilbara and southern Kimberley regions of Western Australia.


The ethnonym Ngurrara signifies 'home.'

Country and people

The word Ngurrara refers to their native country, properly called Mawurritjiyi, the word for the Tanami Desert.
The Ngurrarra themselves are the Walmajarri, Wangkajunga, Mangala and Juwaliny language groups.

Native title

In Kogolo vs. Western Australia the Ngurrarra won recognition of their native title rights to. They presented their case by drawing a large painting of their land, Ngurrara, inscribed with figures from their mythological history associated with various points. Their land is under the custodianship of the Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation.
