
The Nguburinji, also written Ngoborindi, were an Indigenous Australian people who traditionally lived in northwest Queensland south of the Ganggalida, north of the Injilarija, west of the Mingin and east of the Waanyi.


According to Norman Tindale, the Nguburinji lands extended over 3, m100 sq. miles, taking in the southern headwaters of the Gregory River. They were also present at what is the world-heritage fossil site of Riversleigh,
Gregory Downs, and Mount Margaret. Their northern boundaries reached up to Lawn Hill Creek and .

Social system

According to Lauriston Sharp, the Nguburinji social organization belonged to the Laierdila typology of the Australian system of kinship characterized by the Mara type of semi-moieties with a segmentary lineage, and had eight sub-sections organized as unnamed patrilineal semi-moieties and moieties.

History of contact

Over time, after the advent of European colonization, the Nguburinji shifted to the Wakabunga country around Morstone Downs.

Alternative names