
Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal electronic circuit simulator. It is a successor of the latest stable release of Berkeley SPICE, version , which was released in 1993. A small group of maintainers and the user community contribute to the ngspice project by providing new features, enhancements and bug fixes.
Ngspice is based on three open-source free-software packages: , and :
Ngspice implements three classes of analysis:
Transient analysis includes transient noise simulation. AC analysis includes small-signal noise simulation, pole-zero and transfer function analysis.
Ngspice implements various circuits elements, like resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmission lines and a growing number of semiconductor devices like diodes, bipolar transistors, MOSFETs, MESFETs, JFETs and HFETs.
New models can be added to the simulator using:
Ngspice supports parametric netlists. PSPICE compatible parametric macromodels, often released by manufacturers, can be imported as-is into the simulator. Polynomial sources are available. Ngspice provides an internal scripting language to facilitate complex simulation and evaluation control flows.
Ngspice may be compiled into a readily to be integrated into a calling program. Its interface provides access to all simulation parameters, input and output data. , another shared library version, offers an interface to Tcl/Tk.
Ngspice is licensed under the New BSD license.
Ngspice has a command line input interface and offers plotting capability. An open source GUI with schematic entry, simulation and plotting is provided by .
Ngspice has been integrated as a simulation engine into several free or commercial EDA tools: KiCad, EAGLE, CoolSPICE, EasyEDA and .
Recent progresses on Ngspice have been presented at conferences such as FOSDEM and FSiC.