New York University Law Review

The New York University Law Review is a flagship generalist law review journal publishing legal scholarship in all areas, including legal theory and policy, environmental law, legal history, international law, and more. Each year, its six issues publish legal scholarship written by professors, judges, and legal practitioners, as well as Notes written by current students at New York University School of Law, who are members of the Law Review.


The New York University Law Review was founded in 1924 as a collaborative effort between law students and members of the local bar. Its first editor-in-chief was Paul D. Kaufman. Between 1924 and 1950, it was variously known as the Annual Review of the Law School of New York University, the New York University Law Quarterly Review, and the New York University Law Review. Since 1950, it has been known exclusively as the New York University Law Review.
The Law Review publishes six issues per year in April, May, June, October, November, and December. Circulation is about 1,500. The journal publishes a wide range of scholarship by professors and judges, with a particular emphasis on legal theory, administrative law, environmental law, legal history, and international law. In addition, the Law Review is known for its commitment to student scholarship. In 2006, it published twenty-six articles written by law students.
In 2006, the Law Review ranked fourth in Washington & Lee Law School's overall law review rankings, following Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, and Columbia Law Review. At that time, with Yale, it ranked first in "impact factor," a measure of the average number of times each published article is cited.


Each year, the Law Review selects 52 new members from a class of approximately 450. Members are selected using a competitive process, which takes into account an applicant's first-year grades, performance in a writing competition, and potential to contribute to diversity on the journal. The Law Review, as is the case at virtually all law schools, is the most selective journal at New York University School of Law.

Lawsuit over discrimination against white males

On October 6, 2018, a group called Faculty, Alumni, and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences filed a lawsuit against the law review over discrimination against white males both in selecting the staff editors and selecting articles to publish.

Significant ''New York University Law Review'' articles