Never Ending Neverland

Never Ending Neverland is a South Korean reality show starring Cube Entertainment's third girl group I-dle on their journey to rescue Neverland from Captain Hook's curses.

Background and concept

On July 1, 2020, Cube Tv announced that it will launch an entertainment program, Never Ending Neverland as part of their 5th anniversary.
The show follows the storyline of Peter Pan with a curse placed on the fantasy nation of Neverland by Captain Hook, where I-dle will follow various missions in the story. The group will showcase their various skills through challengers including impression, fashion styling and cooking.


A Never Book helps I-dle to solve Captain Hook's curses. After every mission they will received a card to open the eternity gate to Neverland.

Captain Hook's 6 Curses


Air dateMissionRemarkMember/CardRef.
1July 21, 2020The Beginning of an Adventure To NeverlandOptained Never Book Neverland Story
1July 21, 2020Learn vocal mimicry and disturb Hook
  • Narrator:
  • Special lecture on characters and vocal mimicry
  • Voice impression party
  • Reenacted scenes from The World of the Married and Temptation of Wife
Best actress - Shuhua
Shuhua - Dance of a White Butterfly
2July 28, 2020
  • Disguise as other members to trick Hook
  • Reached 50,000 likes within 10 mins on Instagram
  • Teams in 2 - Yuqi and Soyeon; Shuhua and Soojin; Miyeon and Minnie
  • Disguise in a staycation concept
  • Photographer - Yuqi
    Yuqi - The Sun in the Bluish Sky
    2July 28, 2020
    • Make pizza for dinner
    • Make 3 staff members laugh to remove an ingredient
    • Miyeon's kimchi fried rice
  • Ingredients selected
  • #Basil leaves - Shuhua
  • #Chicken - Yuqi
  • #Jelly worms - Miyeon
  • #Cucumber - Soyeon
  • #Onion and paprika - Minnie
  • #Meat - Soojin
  • Chef - Miyeon
    Miyeon - Crown of the Green Alligator