Neural Lab

Neural Lab is a free neural network simulator that designs and trains artificial neural networks for use in engineering, business, computer science and technology. It integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio using C to incorporate artificial neural networks into custom applications, research simulations or end user interfaces.
It provides a visual environment to design and test artificial neural networks.
The latest Neural Lab version is 4.1. The two major versions are version 3.1 and 4.0.

Version 3.x

Version 3.1 is navigated using a standard computer mouse. Version 3.1 is considered easier to use, however, it is difficult to perform complex tasks programmatically. Version 3.1 is therefore primarily useful for people without a programming background.
The version 3.1 tutorial provided very little theoretical background on artificial neural networks. Despite the number of examples, most of the examples focus only on multi-layer networks with supervised training.

Version 4.x

In version 4.0, it is possible to perform neural network operations by writing code. The code is very similar to C/C++, Java or C#.
In version 4.0, the authors incorporate background information on artificial neural networks.
Version 4.0 incorporates Kohonen networks that can be trained without supervision and probabilistic neural networks.


Specific examples of neural networks include:
Neural Lab is developed using Wintempla. Wintempla encapsulates Win32 and simplifies the development of Microsoft Windows applications using C++ and native Win32 APIs.
Wintempla is a tool that integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio. Wintempla encapsulates Win32 to simplify the creation of Web and Desktop applications using C++ and object-oriented programming. The programmer has the option to use the native Win32 APIs or the Wintempla classes.
Wintempla includes:

File extensions