Nette Framework

Nette Framework is an open-source framework for creating web applications in PHP 5 and 7. It supports AJAX, DRY, KISS, MVC and code reusability. Original author of the framework is David Grudl, but further development is now maintained by the Nette Foundation organization. Nette is a free software released under both the New BSD license and the GNU GPL version 2 or 3.


Nette is a full-stack framework composed from a set of decoupled and reusable components.
2.0Last 2.0.x release was Nette 2.0.18
2.1Latest 2.1.x release is Nette 2.1.12
2.2Latest 2.2.x release is Nette 2.2.13
2.3Latest 2.3.x release is Nette 2.3.10
2.4Latest 2.4.x release is Nette 2.4.0
3.0Latest 3.0.x release is Nette 3.0.0