Netochka Nezvanova is the pseudonym used by the author of nato.0+55+3d, a real-time, modular, video and multi-media processing environment. Alternate aliases include "=cw4t7abs", "punktprotokol", "0f0003", "maschinenkunst", "integer", and "antiorp". The name itself is adopted from the main character of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's first novelNetochka Nezvanova and translates as "nameless nobody."
Besides the numerous software projects, her CD entitled "KROP3ROM||A9FF" was released by Decibel Records in 1997. A second CD entitled sin was released by 0f0003 in 2000.
Other software created by NN
0f0003 propaganda - this program algorithmically generates animated graphics and synthetic sounds.
b1257+12 - a software for sound deconstruction and composition. The intricate operator interface allows for radical manipulation of soundloops in realtime, offering a large amount of control parameters which, every now and then, take a life of their own. The name of the software refers to a rapidly rotating neutron star.
m9ndfukc.0+99 and k!berzveta.0+2 - two programs written in Java interpreting network data, very likely preliminary versions of nebula.m81.
kinematek.0+2 - another Java application that performs "animated image generation from internet www data", incorporating parts of nebula.m81.
nebula.m81 - an experimental web browser written in Java, rendering HTML code into abstract sounds and graphics. Awarded at the InternationalMusic Software Competition in Bourges 1999 and at Transmediale 2001. Described by jury member Florian Cramer as "an experimental web browser that turned browsing into something resembling measurement data evaluation".
!=z2c!ja.0+38 - an application that generates a dense visual texture based on the user's keyboard input. It uses Mac OS' QuickDraw capability and can therefore be seen as a preliminary step towards nato.0+55.
Trilogy of theatre pieces in collaboration with vocalist Ayelet Harpaz, based on haikus by the Japanese poetMasaoka Shiki.
"Poztgenom!knuklearporekomplekz", included on the CD Strewth! An Abstract Electronic Compilation, published in 2002 by the Australian record label Synaesthesia.
"La lumière, la lumière.. c'est la seule..", for viola, piano, percussion and electronics. Commissioned by Ensemble Intégrales, performed in Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
"A History of Mapmaking" or "Aerial Photography and 31 Variations on a Cartographer's Theme", for amplified cello and light controller, composed and performed by Rebekah Wilson. Performances in Auckland, Ljubljana, Berlin, Linz.