Nera Gorge-Beușnița National Park

The Nera Gorge-Beușnița National Park is a protected area situated in Romania, in Caraş-Severin County.


The Natural Park is located at the south-west limit of the country, in the south of the Anina Mountains, in Caraș-Severin County, on the middle course of Nera River and on the upper Beu River.


Nera Gorge-Beușnița National Park with an area of 36.758 ha was declared natural protected area by the Law Number.5 of March 6, 2000 and represents a mountainous area what shelters a large variety of flora and fauna; some of the species are endematic or very rarely.
Protected areas included in the park: Nera Gorge-Beușnița, Șușara Gorge, Ducin, Izvorul Bigăr, Izvoarele Nerei, Lisovacea and Valea Ciclovei-Ildia.


is a temperate continental, with moderate winters, warm summers, low thermal amplitude, with rich rainfall, with Mediterranean influences.


The hydrological network includes Nera River and its tributaries: Coşava, Bănia, Beu, Ducin, Miniş, Nergana, Nerganiţa, Prigor, Rudăria, and Şopotu.

Flora and fauna


On the territory of the protected area it has been identified several species of flora with European elements, Central European and Euro-Asian.
Vegetation of forests consists of trees and shrubs: English Oak, Common hornbeam, European beech, European ash, Turkey oak, Sessile Oak, Black Alder, European yew, Manna Ash, Turkish Hazel, European Cornel, Eurasian smoketree, Ruscus or Lilac.
Species of grass: orchid, Fritillaria, yellow linum, Asplenium ceterach, Cephalaria, monkey orchid, fragrant orchid, corydalis, crocus.


Species of mammals: brown bear, deer, roe deer, gray wolf, wild boar, European otter, lynx, wildcat, pine marten, badger, pygmy shrew, Blasius's horseshoe bat or lesser mouse-eared bat.
Species of birds: golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle, common kingfisher, hazel grouse, hen harrier, Eurasian eagle-owl, short-toed snake eagle, red-breasted flycatcher, European honey buzzard, European nightjar, grey-headed woodpecker, Ural owl, corn crake, barred warbler, red-backed shrike, ortolan bunting, European roller, Montagu's harrier or middle spotted woodpecker.
Species of reptiles, amphibians and frogs: common adder, green lizard, smooth snake, fire salamander, alpine newt, common toad or yellow-bellied toad.
Species of fish: Danube gudgeon, Mediterranean barbel, Sabanejewia aurata, streber, Balkan loach, Kessler's gudgeon or Amur bitterling.
