Nepeta troodi

Nepeta troodi, commonly known as Troodos cat-mint is a suberect, aromatic, perennial herb, 20–50 cm high, with a woody base and hairy tetragonal shoots. Leaves opposite, simple, serrate, cordate at base, deltoid, apex obtuse, 1-4 x 0.6–2 cm, petiolate, densely hairy. Flowers in many flowered verticillasters, zygomorphic, corolla white with the lower lip dotted purple. Flowers June to October. Fruit of 4 nutlets.


Rocky slopes, forest clearings or under pines on igneous rocks, altitude 1100–1950 m.


to Cyprus where it is confined to the higher peaks of Troödos where it is not uncommon: Khnionistra, Prodromos, Troodos Square, Loumata Aeton, Xerocolymbos, Papoutsa.