Nelly Láinez

Nelly Láinez was an Argentine comedic actress, best known for her performances in a string of unusually titled Argentine comedic films and television shows such as Vampires Prefer Fatties in 1974.


Láinez was born Nélida Rotstein in Buenos Aires in 1920. She made her acting debut in a comedic radio role when she was just 12 years old. She made her acting debut in the Carlos Schliepper's film Fascinación in 1949. At the age of 20 Láinez participated in Cinco grandes y una chica and went on to appear in Cinco locos en la pista, which was released in 1950. She ultimately appeared in over twenty other Argentinian films throughout her career, including Amigos para la aventura, a 1956 tango-themed musical.
Her television credits included La Tuerca and Operacion Ja Ja, both of which aired during the 1980s. During the 1990s, Láinez appeared in El mundo de Antonio Gasalla and El palacio de la risa. She won a Martín Fierro award for best comedic actress in 1993 for her performance on El palacio de la risa.
Nelly Láinez died of a urinary tract infection on May 31, 2008 in Buenos Aires; she was 88 years old at the time she died.
