Neck dissection

The neck dissection is a surgical procedure for control of neck lymph node metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The aim of the procedure is to remove lymph nodes from one side of the neck into which cancer cells may have migrated. Metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma into the lymph nodes of the neck reduce survival and is the most important factor in the spread of the disease. The metastases may originate from SCC of the upper aerodigestive tract, including the oral cavity, tongue, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx, as well as the thyroid, parotid and posterior scalp.

History of Neck Dissections

To describe the lymph nodes of the neck for neck dissection, the neck is divided into 6 areas called Levels. The levels are identified by Roman numeral, increasing towards the chest. A further Level VII to denote lymph node groups in the superior mediastinum is no longer used. Instead, lymph nodes in other non-neck regions are referred to by the name of their specific nodal groups.
The 2001 revisions proposed by the American Head and Neck Society and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery are as follows.
  1. Radical Neck Dissection – removal of all ipsilateral cervical lymph node groups from levels I through V, together with SAN, SCM and IJV.
  2. Modified Radical Neck Dissection – removal of all lymph node groups routinely removed in a RND, but with preservation of one or more nonlymphatic structures.
  3. Selective Neck Dissection – cervical lymphadenectomy with preservation of one or more lymph node groups that are routinely removed in a RND. Thus for oral cavity cancers, SND is commonly performed. For oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers, SND is the procedure of choice.
  4. Extended Neck Dissection. This refers to removal of one or more additional lymph node groups or nonlymphatic structures, or both, not encompassed by the RND.