Navrachana University

Navrachana University is a Private University located in Vadodara, Gujarat. It was created by the state of Gujarat under the Private University Act, 2009.
The University has embarked on a new educational paradigm that lays simultaneous emphasis on disciplinary education, inter-disciplinary education, professional education and general education. This paradigm is facilitated by the University’s unitary character and offers comprehensive learning and helps develop T-Shape students who have a breadth of knowledge though general and inter-disciplinary education and a depth of knowledge though focused disciplinary education.

'''Organization and administration'''

There are five important aspects that direct the new educational paradigm at Navrachana University:
School of Liberal Studies and Education offers: BA, BEd., MSW and PhD.
School of Science offers: BSc., BSc-Data Science, BSc-MSc Integrated, MSc, and MSc
School of Environmental Design and Architecture offers: Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Landscape Architecture & Design.
School of Engineering and Technology offers: Bachelor of Technology
School of Business and Law offers: BBA, BBA-LLB, BCA and MBA.
All Educational Programs follow modular, semester-wise curricula and allow taking courses that cut across program boundaries. The unitary character allows the University to innovate new educational and pedagogic models grounded in interdisciplinary thinking and capitalize on the shared infrastructural and educational resources to achieve a rich academic and life experience.