Nationalist Left

Nationalist Left was a Galician political party formed in 1992. The party had about 600 militants in 2002. EN was integrated in the BNG since its foundation and until February 2012. On 14 April of that year the organization agreed to stop acting as EN, and all their militants entered Máis Galiza. In theory, EN did not formally dissolved, since the party leadership decided to keep the name and structure in a latent state.

History and characteristics

EN advocated for the independence of Galiza and the gradual reintegration of Galician and Portuguese. EN supported yes in the referendum on the Treaty of the European Constitution, despite the official position of the BNG that was supporting no. The top party organs are the National Executive and the National Bureau.
In sixth National Assembly, held in Santiago de Compostela on 30 March 2008, its Xosé Chorén and its President Alberte Xullo Rodríguez Feixoo were elected as the National Secretary and the Party president, respectively. However a part of the militancy did not recognize as the VI National Assembly and Nationalist Left - Youth denied its legitimacy. Due to this, Nationalist Left - Youth split from the party along with some senior militants. The splitters founded a new party, Galician Socialist Space.
En Galiza was its official magazine and EN promoted the Enclave Foundation.