National Synchrotron Light Source II

The National Synchrotron Light Source II at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York is a national user research facility funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. NSLS-II is one of the world's most advanced synchrotron light sources, designed to produce x-rays 10,000 times brighter than BNL's original light source, the National Synchrotron Light Source. NSLS-II supports basic and applied research in energy security, advanced materials synthesis and manufacturing, environment, and human health.
NSLS-II is a state-of-the-art, medium-energy electron storage ring. The facility enables the study of material properties and functions with nanoscale resolution and exquisite sensitivity by providing world-leading capabilities for x-ray imaging and high-resolution energy analysis. The facility is open to researchers from academia and industry.
NSLS-II fuels major advances in new energy technologies such as nanocatalyst-based fuel cells, economical use of solar energy, high-temperature superconductors in a high capacity and high reliability electric grid, and advanced electrical storage systems for transportation and harnessing intermittent renewable energy sources.

Users and partners


In 2017, NSLS-II served over 1,000 researchers from academic, industrial, and government laboratories worldwide. Any qualified researcher can submit a peer-reviewed proposal to use NSLS-II.


NSLS-II partners with public and private institutions to fund the construction and operation of some of its beamlines. Its partnerships include BNL's Center for Functional Nanomaterials and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, among many others. NSLS-II is always open for new partnerships.


NSLS-II currently has 22 beamlines open for user operations. When the facility is complete, NSLS-II will have at least 58 beamlines in operation.
The beamlines at NSLS-II are grouped into six programs: hard x-ray spectroscopy, imaging & microscopy, structural biology, soft x-ray scattering & spectroscopy, complex scattering, and diffraction & in situ scattering. These programs group beamlines together that offer similar types of research techniques for studying the behavior and structure of matter.

Hard X-ray spectroscopy

NSLS-II is a medium energy electron storage ring designed to deliver photons with high average spectral brightness exceeding 1021 ph/s in the 2 – 10 keV energy range and a flux density exceeding 1015 ph/s in all spectral ranges. This performance requires the storage ring to support a very high-current electron beam with a very small horizontal and vertical emittance. The electron beam is stable in its position, angle, dimensions, and intensity.

Storage ring lattice

The NSLS-II storage ring lattice consists of 30 double-bend achromat cells that can accommodate at least 58 beamlines for user experiments, distributed by type of source as follows:
Continuing the tradition established by the NSLS, NSLS-II radiation sources span a very wide spectral range, from the far infrared to the very hard x-ray region. This is achieved by a combination of bending magnets, three-pole wigglers, and insertion device sources.


Construction of NSLS-II began in 2009 and was completed on-time and under budget in 2014. NSLS-II saw first light in October 2014. The facility cost US$912,000,000 to build, and the project received the DOE's Secretary's Award of Excellence. Torcon Inc., headquartered in New Jersey, was the general contractor selected by the DOE for the project.