National Police Cadet (Malaysia)

The National Police Cadet of Royal Malaysian Police is a uniformed body at selected high schools in Malaysia with the aim of inculcating discipline among students and helping to curb negative activities.


The idea to form a Police Cadet corps was triggered by the former Inspector-General of Police, late Tun Mohamed Salleh Ismail when opening Launching Police Cadet Team to 2 March 1970. He said,


members are trainee cadets between Form 1 to Form 2, Senior Cadets, 3ls Cadet Corporal and a Cadet Sergeant. Cadet team members and trainee Cadets are picked from high school students who had passed basic interviews and physical tests. Senior Cadets are made up of those who have passed interviews at PDRM and one teacher in their respective high school would be selected to become a Cadet Inspector, tasked with being the platoon advisor. A Police Cadet platoon is normally made up of 35 members including a cadet senior officer, a sergeant and three corporals leading a team of 30 senior cadets and cadets.

Purposes of establishing

Among other topics, basic Police Cadet training includes: