National Medical Fellowships

National Medical Fellowships, Inc. is a nonprofit organization in the United States that provides scholarships and support for underrepresented minority students in medicine and the health professions.
Founded 1946, NMF has provided over $40 million to upward of 30,000 minority community members. NMF is supported by a national network of alumni.


NMF was started by Dr. Franklin C. McLean MD, PhD, then a professor of physiology at the University of Chicago. Dr. McLean saw that the lack of opportunities for African-American physicians was a problem.
NMF started by giving scholarships to African American physicians and medical students. Over time, NMF expanded its grants to other groups that were underrepresented in medicine.
NMF was credited by The New York Times in decreasing of discrimination and rise of medical enrollments by minorities in 1962.


The NMF Alumni Council consists of the National Alumni Council, the Regional Alumni Councils and the Young Leadership Council.
The National Alumni Council was established in 2016 and represents more than 18,000 verified Alumni in four regions. In addition to its headquarters in New York City and New Orleans, NMF has regional offices in: Atlanta, on the campus of Morehouse School of Medicine; Chicago at the Fineberg School of Medicine; Los Angeles at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and Washington DC hosted by the Howard University Medical Alumni Association Office.