National Gypsum

National Gypsum Company is a company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, that produces drywall gypsum boards in the US. It has 17 gypsum board plants in the US and presents itself as a fully integrated building products manufacturer. It is a private company, incorporated as New NGC, Inc. in 1993. It is one of the six producers which hold approximately 81% of
the worldwide wallboard market
Subsidiary National Gypsum Ltd. operates the largest open-pit gypsum mine in the world in Milford Station Nova Scotia. This mine produces approximately 8000 tons of gypsum daily, most of which is moved by rail approximately 30 miles to a ship loading facility at Wright's Cove, on the Dartmouth side of Halifax Harbour.
The company was founded in 1925 by Melvin H. Baker, Joseph F. Haggerty, and Clarence E. Williams.