National Capital Baseball League

The National Capital Baseball League is an adult amateur baseball league in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, that was formed in 1982. It is Ottawa's only adult amateur baseball league, and the largest in Canada. As of the 2010 season the league consists of 35 teams from around the region, including Nepean, Kanata, Orléans, Gloucester, Gatineau/Hull, Metcalfe, Winchester, and Kingston.

Background information

The NCBL offers players the chance to play organized baseball. The league is divided into 4 "tiers" with Tier 1 being the most competitive and highest level and Tier 4 being the "recreational" level. Therefore, the league tries to offer all players a level playing field no matter what skill level one falls under.
The runs from the middle of May until the beginning September. NCBL games are being played on all nights of the week. Typically games are played at 6:00, 6:15, and 8:30pm on weeknights and at a variety of times during weekends on a number of different . Tier 1 plays 2-3 nights a week, Tier's 2 & 3 play about 2 times a week and Tier 4 plays about once a week.
All games are umpired and normal baseball rules are used. Each tier plays out a regular season schedule, and then each tier conducts a playoff to crown a champion for the tier. At the end of the season, awards are given out for individual and team accomplishments.
The NCBL is run strictly on a volunteer basis, and each team is expected to contribute to the league in one way or another.

The teams

Each team in the NCBL recruits its own players, and raises its own funds however they wish to. Some teams have sponsors while other teams don't.

Championship History

Listed below are all tier champions from 2000 season onward. For a more complete version of the league's history please see the .

2006 Tier I Championship Game 3

Bottom of the 7th, the Nepean Brewers complete their sweep of Marc Sports.