National AIDS Control Organisation

The National AIDS Control Organisation, established in 1992 is a division of India's Ministry of Health and Family Welfare that provides leadership to HIV/AIDS control programme in India through 35 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Societies, and is "the nodal organisation for formulation of policy and implementation of programs for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India.".
NACO Conducts voluntary blood Donation program. As per NACO Guidelines for accurate results & mass screening Hemoglobinometer analyzer recommended is the method used as Absorbance measurement of whole blood at Hb/Hb02/Isobestic point, based on microcuvette technology like Hemocue 301/Mokshit-Chanda-AM005A
NACO also undertakes HIV estimations biennially in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical ResearchNational Institute of Medical Statistics. The first round of HIV estimation in India was done in 1998, while the last round was done in 2017.
In 2010, NACO approved the TeachAIDS curriculum for use in India, an innovation which represented the first time that HIV/AIDS education could be provided in a curriculum which did not need to be coupled with sex education.
In 2012, National AIDS Control Organisation, along with other 16 organizations working on HIV/AIDS, ran an event "Hijra Habba" under the program of "Pehchan". The event witnessed more than a 100 representatives of the Transgender and the Hijra community from 17 states, interacting with members of the government, NGOs and Civil Society.