Nasuella olivacea

The western mountain coati or western dwarf coati is a small procyonid, found in cloud forest and páramo at altitudes of in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. A population discovered in the Apurímac–Cuzco region of southern Peru has tentatively been identified as the western mountain coati, but may represent an undescribed taxon.
Until 2009, the western mountain coati usually included the eastern mountain coati as a subspecies, but that species is overall smaller, somewhat shorter-tailed on average, has markedly smaller teeth, a paler olive-brown pelage, and usually a dark mid-dorsal stripe on the back. When the two were combined, they were rated as Data Deficient by the IUCN, but following the split the western mountain coati is considered Near Threatened.
There are two subspecies of the western mountain coati: N. o. olivacea and the slightly smaller and darker N. o. quitensis with less distinct rings on the tail. The former is known from Colombia and the latter from Ecuador, but the exact distribution limit between the two is not known.