
The Narikuravar is an indigenous community from Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
The main occupation of the people who originally belong to the indigenous tribes, is hunting. But as they were prohibited entry into the forests to pursue this livelihood, they were forced to take up other alternatives such as selling beaded ornaments to survive. Hence, they migrate from place to place to find a market for their beads. Children accompany the adults wherever they go, which means they never get to attend school.
During British rule in India they were placed under Criminal Tribes Act 1871, hence stigmatized for a long time, after Independence. However, they were denotified in 1952, though the stigma continues.


The word "Narikurava" is a combination of the Tamil words "Nari" and "Kurava" meaning "jackal people" or the "fox people". This appellation has been bestowed upon them due to their adeptness in hunting and trapping jackals.


As per a theory propounded by Werth in 1966 and Fraser, authorities on the gypsies of Europe, believes that the Domar are the ancestors of the Romani people and therefore, the Narikuravas are related to the Romani. while Edgar Thurston feels that they are related to the Khonds of Orissa.


The Narikuravas speak the unclassified Indo-Aryan language called Vaagri Booli.
Due to this reason, they are also known as Vagris or Vagrivalas. Almost all Narikuravas are well-versed in Tamil. However, most of the Narikurava liturgical hymns and folk songs are in Vagriboli.


Although all vagirivala or kuruvikarar come under one roof based on their common clan name nari-kuravars they were broadly sub-divided into two sub-divisions: the buffalo-sacrificers and Nandevala or goat-sacrificers. But they are Commonly classified based on the region they originate from. The Seliyos have only one sub-sect—the Vithiyo.

Customs and practices

Each Narikurava clan has a bundle of clothes called sami-mootai meaning "God's bundle". It is filled with blood of animals sacrificed by the Narikuravas and clothes dipped in them. The sami-mootai of one clan must not be touched by members of another clan. On the death of the head of the family, his eldest son inherits the sami-mootai. The prestige a clan-leader holds depends on the antiquity of his sami-mootai.


Silambam is a stick fighting style that supposedly originated from the Kurinji hills some 5000 years ago, where the native Narikuravar used bamboo staves called Silambamboo to defend themselves against wild animals.


The major issues which confront Narikuravas are poverty, illiteracy, diseases and discrimination.
There has been discrimination of Narikuravas since ancient times. Due to their consumption of the Golden Jackal, which is forbidden by settled Hindu communities and other habits, they are considered untouchable and are excluded from streets inhabited by upper castes. This has led to protests and resentment from the community. However, the Narikuravas are yet to be recognized as a scheduled tribe.
High crime rates and unemployment are other problems which afflict the Narikurava community. The proscription of fox-hunting as well as killing endangered species of birds and wildlife have depleted the Narikuravas of their traditional sources of livelihood. As a result, unemployed Narikurava youth are taking to crime and illegal activities. There have also been instances when Narikurava have been arrested for the possession of unregistered firearms as country rifles which are banned according to the Indian laws.
On 1996, a social-welfare organization named Narikurava Seva Sangam was formed in order to educate Narikurava children and facilitate them to lead a settled life. Other social-welfare organizations, too, have poured in their efforts to improve the lives of the Narikuravas. In May 2008, the creation of a Welfare Board for the Narikuravas headed by the Backward Classes Minister was authorized by the State Government. Steady progress is being made in educating Narikuravas and assimilating them into society. The demand for the Welfare Board and remove them from the Backward Class list and include them into Scheduled Tribes.