Naraina Area

Naraina is a locality in South West Delhi. It is divided into industrial, residential, and rural areas. The residential area is known as Naraina Vihar.
The neighborhood is connected with metro by Naraina Vihar station.
The industrial area has a large focus on steel and electronics. It is the location of the headquarters of the Steel Authority of India Limited. It is composed of residential flats built by the Delhi Development Authority and private built houses. The rural area is known as Naraina Gaanv.
Naraina is adjacent to the western segment of the Ring Road, Delhi between Dhaula Kuan and Rajouri Garden.
Surrounding areas include: Inderpuri, Delhi Cantt, Mayapuri, IARI or Pusa, Shadipur Depot, and Patel Nagar.
Naraina Vihar is categorised in group C as per MCD for the purpose of calculating circle rates, which have been recently revised in September, 2014