Napier County

Napier County is one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales.
Napier County is named in honour of Field Marshal Robert Cornelius Napier, First Baron Napier of Magdala.

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:
AllisonWarrumbungle Shire Council
BiambleWarrumbungle Shire Council
BinnawayWarrumbungle Shire Council
BinniaWarrumbungle Shire Council
BullindaWarrumbungle Shire Council
BungabahWarrumbungle Shire Council
ButherooWarrumbungle Shire Council
CarlisleWarrumbungle Shire Council
CookabingieWarrumbungle Shire Council
CoolahWarrumbungle Shire Council
DalglishWarrumbungle Shire Council
GundareWarrumbungle Shire Council
LoweWarrumbungle Shire Council
MalcolmWarrumbungle Shire Council
MendooranWarrumbungle Shire Council
MerrygoenWarrumbungle Shire Council
MoorangoorangWarrumbungle Shire Council
MorvenWarrumbungle Shire Council
MumbedahWarrumbungle Shire Council
NapierWarrumbungle Shire Council
NarangarieWarrumbungle Shire Council
NeibleWarrumbungle Shire Council
PiambraWarrumbungle Shire Council
PurlewaughWarrumbungle Shire Council
QueensboroughWarrumbungle Shire Council
TerrawindaWarrumbungle Shire Council
ToorawandiWarrumbungle Shire Council
UlindaWarrumbungle Shire Council
YuggelWarrumbungle Shire Council