Nanshan Temple (Sanya)

Nanshan Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Sanya, Hainan province, China. The temple's name originates from a popular Buddhist expression..


The temple was built on April 12, 1988 to commemorate two thousand years of Buddhism in China. It has a total area of 40,000 square metres. It contains several Tang dynasty replicas.
The temple is part of an area known as the Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Zone, classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration.
The zone also consists of the Guan Yin of the South Sea of Sanya statue.


It is located just 40 kilometers west of Sanya City along the Hainan West Expressway. It is a window on China's traditional Buddhism culture.


The Nanshan Cultural Park highlights China's diverse social customs. The key feature of the zone is the three sided statue of Guan Yin Buddha, Buddhist Temples, natural landscape and sea views. The zone has been designated a Priority Project of China Tourism Development and earmarked for further development. Recently completed, the bronze statue of Guan Yin Buddha stands 108 meters tall on a man made island in the sea just off Nanshan. It is larger than the statue of liberty.

Nanshan is now a tourist destination attracting more tourists coming from all over the world.