Nangli Godha

Nangli Godha is a village in Rewari tehsil of Rewari in the Indian state of Haryana.


Nangli Godha is situated at a distance of 8 km from Rewari in the west-south direction on State highway- 15.


The village was founded by two Yadav brothers of Gogar Naresh Gotra. The elder brother was Godhaji Yadav after whom the village was named Godhaji ki Nangli. Over the years the name morphed into Nangli Godha.
The village led Ahirwal into serving the nation with each house being proud of at least one soldier and/or officer in the Indian Armed Forces.


Main occupation of people is agriculture and government/private jobs. Some villagers are employed in government services and many people are doing private jobs in other states and countries.


Nangli Godha is connected to nearby villages through the road network with presence of State Transport Service and Private Bus Services which link it to Rewari and other villages.


India Census, Nangli Godha had a population of 1080. Male population was 551, while female population was 529.
As of 2011 India census, Nangli Godha had a population of 1666 in 217 households. Males constitute 51.86% of the population and females 48.13%. Nangli Godha has an average literacy rate of 75.99%, more than the national average of 74%: male literacy is 57.66%, and female literacy is 42.33% of total literates. In Nangli Godha, 11.70% of the population is under 6 years of age.