Nancy Cuomo

Maria Cuomo, best known as Nancy Cuomo, is an Italian singer and producer.

Life and career

Born in Piedimonte d'Alife, in the Province of Caserta, Campania, Cuomo started performing in a beat band, mainly active in local festivals and in music halls of Caserta. After recording her first singles with the label KappaO, in the mid-1960s she moved to Rome, where she was scriptured by the club Kilt.
Noted by Nico Fidenco, Cuomo was offered to perform "Love Love Bang Bang", theme song of the film Kiss Kiss...Bang Bang. In 1968 she was put under contract by Fonit Cetra. During her career Cuomo took part to Cantagiro, to some episodes of Settevoci and to several high-profile television programs. In 1973 she married and significantly slowed her activities.

