
Nanbaka, also known as Nanbaka - The Numbers, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shō Futamata. An anime television series adaptation by Satelight aired between 5 October 2016 and 22 March 2017. The title is a play on words, combining the name of the prison, which is the Japanese transcription of the word "number", and the Japanese word "baka" for "fool" or "idiot".


The story centers around four young men who are assigned to Nanba, the world's most formidable prison. Jyugo, who attempted to break out of prison and ended up extending his jail time; Uno, a gambling fanatic who likes women; Rock, who likes eating and fighting; and Nico, an ex drug addict who happens to be an otaku. The action follows the daily lives of the prison's inmates and guards.


Cell 13


Nanba Prison guards

;Hajime Sugoroku
;Momoko Hyakushiki
;Mitsuru Hitokoe
;Kiji Mitsuba
;Kenshirō Yozakura
;Samon Gokū
;Yamato Godai
;Seitarō Tanabata
;Inori Hakkai
;Enki Gokū
;Hōzuki Sanzō
;Hitoshi Sugoroku

Other staff members

;Okina Otogi
;Kazari Otogi

Other inmates

;Ruka Gojō

Other characters

;Man with the Scar
;Noriko Sanzō



Shō Futamata began serializing the manga on NHN Japan's Comico webtoon app on 13 October 2013. The series is published in print by Futabasha. Crunchyroll Manga acquired the series for digital publication in English.


Chapter not yet in ''tankōbon'' format

The following chapters have not yet been collected into a tankōbon volume:


NHN Play Art announced in February 2015 that the series would receive an anime adaptation. The series is directed by Shinji Takamatsu and written by Mitsutaka Hirota, with animation by Satelight. The series premiered on 5 October 2016 on MBS. Crunchyroll licensed the series and simulcasted the anime on their service, and Funimation simulcasted the dub for the series on their service. An original video animation for the series aired at the "Nanfes" event in April 2017, with the episode later being bundled with the "Nanfes" DVD on 26 July 2017. Crunchyroll later streamed the original video animation on 30 September 2017.

Season 1

Season 2
