
', officially the ', is a of the Philippines| in the province of,. According to the, it has a population of people.


The name of the municipality was thought to have come from the round shape of one of the hills in the area. People in the area would utter, "Anian nga nagbukel".
Another origin of the municipality's name comes from three small hills in the southern part of the municipality.
Another origin of the town's name comes from the irregular distribution of the barangays of Nagbukel and nearby Narvacan. Negotiations were made in such a way that the place east of the Kayapa River become part of Nagbukel and places west of the river become part of Narvacan. The distance from north to south was equal to the distance from east to west. The resulting area is round, hence the name "Nagbukel."


Nagbukel is politically subdivided into 12 barangays.


In the, the population of Nagbukel was people, with a density of.