The gens Naevia, occasionally written Navia, was a plebeian or patrician family at Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned at the time of the Second Punic War, but the first of the Naevii to obtain the consulship was Lucius Naevius Surdinus, in AD 30.
The nomenNaevius is generally regarded as a patronymic surname derived from the praenomenGnaeus, indicating a birthmark. Gnaeus and naevus, the usual form of the Latin word for a birthmark, were pronounced similarly, and a number of other Latin words could be spelled with either gn- or n-, such as gnatus and natus, "born".
In the time of the Republic, the principal cognomina of the Naevii were Balbus and Matho. Balbus, a common surname, originally signified one who stammers. Chase regarded Matho as a borrowing of the Greek Μαθων. Cicero stated that it was pronounced Mato, and sometimes spelled without an 'h'. Other Naevii bore the surnames Crista, Pollio, and Turpio, while Capella and Surdinus are found on coins. Crista refers to a crest or plume; Pollio is thought to mean "polisher", and to refer to the occupation of polishing arms. Turpio describes someone ugly, deformed, or foul. Capella refers to a she-goat, while Surdinus probably described someone who was deaf, hard of hearing, stubborn, or silent.
Quintus Naevius Matho, appointed one of the triumvirs for establishing a colony in Bruttium, in 194 BC. Praetor in 184, he received the province of Sardinia. Before setting out for his province, Matho was instructed to investigate all reports of poisoning in Italy, an endeavour which occupied him for four months. Valerias Antias states that two thousand people were condemned in the course of the investigation.
Lucius Naevius Balbus, one of the quinqueviri appointed in 168 BC to resolve a dispute over the lands claimed by the inhabitants of Pisae and the Lunenses.
Naevius Turpio, a quadruplator, or public informer, who in 75 BC was condemned by Gaius Licinius Sacerdos, while the latter was propraetor in Sicily. During the administration of Verres, Naevius was instrumental in helping to extract all that the new praetor could from his province.
Naevius Pollio, an extremely tall man, whom Cicero is said to have described as being a foot taller than the tallest man who ever lived. A similar description was given by Pliny the Elder.
Sextus Naevius, the accuser of Publius Quinctius, whose defence by Cicero was the subject of the oration Pro Quinctio.
Ennia Naevia, according to Suetonius, was the wife of Macro and the mistress of Caligula. Although Macro was said to have murdered Tiberius in order to bring Caligula to the throne, the new emperor had him and Ennia put to death, so that he would not be under obligation to them.