Myungsung Presbyterian Church

Myung Sung Presbyterian Church is the largest Presbyterian church in the world. It was founded in 1980, and is located in Myung-il-dong, Seoul, South Korea, with its Prayer Sanctuary in Wonju. Myung Sung Presbyterian Church has over thirty church plants, including Myung Sung First Presbyterian Church, founded in 2004, and Myung Sung Second Presbyterian Church, founded in 2006, along with an additional ten "screen" churches. The founder and current senior pastor of the church is Dr. Kim Sam Whan.


Myungsung literally means "Voice of Myungil-dong" and it was named to be a small but earnest and modest praying voice toward God, even from the outskirts of Seoul in 1980. Initially, Myungsung Presbyterian Church was located in the building nearby the terminal of Seoul Bus No. 500 to evangelize people in Myeongil-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, and then from September 1980, they started a campaign to promote "Weekly Pre-dawn Prayer Services " every March and September since then. In addition, because there were lots of farms and orchards around the church, it had been renovated and developed into a huge housing complex by the mid 1980s. Then, it could be introduced to the general public, especially for its early morning Praying worship to the community near the church. Finally in 1989, Myungsung Presbyterian Church was rebuilt on its current site, with a scale of almost 8754 m². In 1990, the senior pastor Dr. Kim Sam Whan from Myungsung Church visited the Soviet Union, and Poland for worship missions, as the first among the Protestant pastors in South Korea. In 2004, the church opened its affiliated hospital named MCM in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to serve untreated local people there. Myungsung is involved in social volunteering work such as a feeding service for the homeless. Sunday worship services are at 7:00, 9:10, 11:20, 13:30, 16:30, 17:00 and 19:30
. There are also specialized worship services for college students and unmarried young adults at 16:00 and 18:00 on Saturdays. Plus, the podium microphone in the main hall has been used since April 1989, and from January 2011, they began to accept a revised version of the Bible and a Gospel book during their worship time. In 2012, a new main sanctuary was built beside the former building.

Church mottos

“Lord Only” and “Seven Year as One Day”

English Worship Department

The Myungsung English Worship Department holds worship services in English every Sunday. The department also offers an English Sunday School and youth group for students and a variety of English and Bible classes throughout the week.

Mission Department

As of 2006 the Myungsung Mission Department has been able to support 56 nations through 92 families and 172 missionaries. Myungsung Church also supports small churches, schools, hospitals, community centers, and future leaders.