My Life Me

My Life Me is a short-lived French Canadian animated television series created by JC Little, Cindy Filipenko and Svetlana Chmakova, co-directed by Mr. Niko. The teen slice-of-life comedy follows Birch Small, a manga and anime fan with aspirations of being a comic artist, as she tries to survive high school. The show features manga symbols such as sweatdrops, speech bubbles, and super-deformed chibi characters.
The series first aired on the French-language Télétoon on September 19, 2010. It was shown on the English-language channel Teletoon from September 5, 2011 to September 30, 2011.
The series is available on Peacock.


My Life Me received a development deal in 2006 from Teletoon. The series was a co-production between Canadian and French companies. The episodes were animated using ToonBoom Harmony, and the animation was split episodically between Toutenkartoon in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and Caribara in Angoulême, France. Backgrounds were created in Maya, then cel-shaded, rendered and imported into Harmony. The animators did a hybrid of digital and hand drawn to help the fluidity in the animation.
Animated digitally, manga aesthetics were given homage "using various comic book manga codes and language such as stylish black and white comic book panels dropping behind the characters to express their suppressed feelings on screen." Even before production began My Life Me was planned to be "developed as a lifestyle brand, there will be a licensing and merchandising program to support the brand with a strong emphasis on publishing, accessories, gifts, stationery, apparel as well as a strong online component with a fully interactive website currently in production." The planned delivery of the series, shorts, and website was fall 2009.
My Life Me was "at the top of German co-production group TV-Loonland's offering in the 2009 autumn TV markets". In early 2010, TV-Loonland filed for bankruptcy/insolvency and its assets were sold off. My Life Me, at the time still in production, was one of such properties. The series was acquired by Classic Media in February. Classic Media took control of all media iterations of the property including the planned "heavily interactive" website. "Other than the television series, fifty-two eleven-minute episodes, the property is reported to include music video clips and more for mobile, online, and video on-demand distribution."


Birch Small's school system requires her and her classmates, Liam, Sandra, and Raffi to work together in a group known around the school as a "Pod." The students don't get to choose who they are partnered up with; they must work together, despite their differences and shortcomings.


Teletoon original airdates follow the episode titles in parentheses:
  1. Misconcepted Deceptions
  2. Reach for the Pod
  3. Big Man on Canvas
  4. The Pencil Assassin
  5. The Makeover
  6. The Pom-Pom Girl
  7. Unreasonable Facsimiles
  8. Planets Maligned
  9. The Big Flap
  10. Finding Neko
  11. The Raffi Raffle
  12. Crushed
  13. Friday the 13th
  14. Bossman's Blues
  15. Birch's Beef
  16. A Fine Balance
  17. Liam the Hero
  18. True Colors
  19. Love Lessons
  20. Miss President
  21. Bad Company
  22. Manga Slam
  23. They're Watching Us
  24. The Mascot
  25. Holiday Hijinx
  26. Rope Burn
  27. There's No Business...
  28. Growing Pains
  29. Comic Chaos
  30. Working Stiff
  31. Star-Struck
  32. The Big Switch
  33. A Bed for Raffi
  34. Back to the Stone Age
  35. The Costume Party
  36. Integrity Insmegrity
  37. Making a Mountain of a Molehill
  38. Here's Liam
  39. The Diary
  40. Raffi's Secret Love
  41. Skate Club
  42. Pinged and Ponged
  43. Love is in the Air
  44. Cyranette
  45. Liam and the Kid's Big Day Out
  46. Cut Out the Sarkasm
  47. Family Tree
  48. Just Say Nooo
  49. At Odds with the Pad
  50. Accept No Substitutes
  51. Fish Fiasco
  52. Birch's Trial


It was nominated for a Kidscreen Award 2010. The website was nominated for Best Kids Interactive for the Canada New Media Awards in 2010. My Life Me was nominated for two Gemini Awards in 2011; in Internet and New Media, Best Website for a Program or Series: Youth and in Television, Best Animation Program or Series.