Mutants in Orbit

Mutants in Orbit is an adventure and sourcebook for the After the Bomb and Rifts role-playing games, authored by James Wallis and Kevin Siembieda. It was released by Palladium Books in March 1992. The book deals with life of space colonies. The setting is on the same time scale as the After the Bomb and Rifts, only from the space colonies' point of view, but is in no way limited to that use.

Publication history

At GenCon 22 in 1989, Erick Wujcik introduced James Wallis to Kevin Siembieda of Palladium; the result was Wallis' entry into the world of RPG supplement publication through Mutants in Avalon and Mutants in Orbit. Mutants in Orbit acted as a sourcebook for both Rifts and After the Bomb.


The same standard creation process for the attributes then a slight variation on the animal types, mostly those that would have been either pets or test subjects.

Occupational Character Classes

These reference some specialized skills needed for surviving in space and those few skills flow the O.C.C's for ease of use. Note that this is just a supplement and that either After the Bomb, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, or Rifts core rulebooks are needed to get the basic information not found here.


Besides becoming more humanoid and intelligent, the animals in space were subject to stronger doses of cosmic radiation and probably developed an extraordinary ability or more, but not without a side effect. It's these side effects that made the outcasts what they are, but they are also more enhanced than others, generally speaking. If you happen to get the supplement Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you will be able to mutate, or de-evolve, a normal human. These can be basis for "little green men".

Life in orbit

No one lives long in space without air or water and no one prospers without raw materials. Luckily there's an asteroid belt nearby and more than a few space craft have survived. You also need to protect yourself and the cargo from raiders/pirates and even if you have a spiffy power like lightning, you can't use it in hard space without freezing solid – common tactic called being "spaced". So clothing, weapons and tools common for survival can be found toward the back before the adventure scenario.


Conversions of the above areas with the following additions: the presence KLS Corporation on Freedom Station, CAN Republic on the Moon, and stats for the Mark III, IV and V Glitter Boys, VRRDS Samurai and Mikado robots.