Museum der Völker

The Museum der Völker in the Austrian Schwaz in the county of Tyrol was founded in 1995 as a cultural association Haus der Völker by Gert Chesi and belongs to the well known Ethnology museums in Europe. After a new construction and remodeling the exhibition operation opened on the 12th of April 2013 as Museum der Völker. Translated the name means museum of the peoples or museum of the tribes.


Gert Chesi, photographer, journalist and author, had collected more than a thousand exhibits from all over the world in the period of fifty years. The art objects are the base of the Museum operation and give an insight into the religious and artistic creation of mankind.

Cultural Club

Today the cultural club Museum der Völker runs the museum. Art objects from distant cultures determine the Museum: Stone sculptures of Khmer, Buddha images from many eras, terracotta figures of the Nok, ancestral figures of the Dajak, grave finds from China and old bronzes from South-East Asia are displayed in addition to contemporary Voodoo objects and utensils of animism.


Artifacts from over a period of four thousand years ethnographic exhibits from four themes will be presented to the public:
Currently, the collection Chesi / Stadt Schwaz, the Schell Collection, as well as the Lindner collection are displayed at the Museum der Völker.

Special Show

In two rooms, special exhibitions are hosted regularly. These show ethnographic collections and contemporary non-European art to photographic works.
please refer Gert Chesi


1999, the Museum der Völker received the Tyrolean Museum prize
1999 Recognition Award of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture
2014 ICOM Austria, Österreichisches Museumsgütesiegel